Decide To Be Happier

It doesn’t matter how many random online programs you’ve enrolled in previously, how many freebies you’ve signed up for (still unopened in your inbox), or what self-help books you read.

You can choose to live differently and recreate your life, right now, from the inside out.

  • You just need to remember who the hell you really are.

  • You don’t need more time or better focus.

  • You just need to decide.

That you’re ready to get more out of your life…

I think I know you.

You have a big heart and a badass vision. You’re intelligent, creative, growth-oriented, and yet inside you feel that empty feeling...
…something is missing.

Others might think you have the perfect life...

  • You have the kids, partner, career, vacations, house, car, etc.

  • You have ideas. 

  • High standards. 

  • Accomplishments.

  • And yet, you feel tired and lonely.

You suspect that there’s more for you in life but you’ve never known how to get it or feel like it’s yours. You’ll have moments of inspiration but then you get tangled in self-doubt, worrying what people will think if it doesn’t work. So you want more but you can’t move forward.  You’ve read the personal development books, done the meditations, gone to the yoga classes, and still… Nothing has actually shifted and you don’t know why. 

I’m here to tell you that it’s not your fault. I totally and 100% understand this because it’s exactly who I was for much of my life.

Society has conditioned you to not trust yourself.

What’s crazy is that


When you read that, do you think it could be true for you?

I want you to borrow my belief in you until you believe in yourself so thoroughly that you don’t need me anymore. I want you to see who you really are and actively create the woman that you’ve secretly dreamt of becoming. This is what happens in my 10 week program.

  • Imagine 12 weeks of a methodical revamp of your life and how you approach your goals.

  • Imagine feeling CLEAR in who you want to become and certain in how you’re getting there.

  • Imagine actually SEEING results as you become someone that makes you proud.

I am here to believe in you until you believe in yourself…And I’m so excited to support you that I wish we could start like yesterday.

Here’s what I hear the most from leaders who come to work with me:

  • They feel FRANTIC to control everything and everyone around them so that they guarantee the outcome.

  • They are FRUSTRATED that their relationships are not inspiring or meaningful.

  • They are TIRED of worrying about every little thing.

  • They feel LONELY because they don't reach out for help.

  • They feel DISCOURAGED because their inner critic gets the best of them, and self-doubt creeps in.  

Until I dove deep into my behaviors and inner-work, unlearned that way of being, and re-learned a new way. I’ve learned a whole new way of BEING and have the tools for resilience. And it’s completely and totally possible for you to learn it too. When you become happier, you may experience….

  • Feeling CONFIDENT to ask for what you need, and speak up for yourself.

  • Enjoying true CONNECTION with other people.

  • More CONTROL over where your life is headed, while being at peace with what you cannot control.

  • Having COURAGE to take more risks, put yourself out there, and try something different

  • TRUSTING your intuition and stop second-guessing yourself.

That’s why I created SIMPLE SUCCESS HABITS™ — to help you apply proven tools and strategies to completely reset your life in 12 short weeks. I would be honored to be your guide to your new, happy life. Let’s do this!

Here’s how we can work together…